What we do
Our projects aims to support the actors in the rice value chain in a holisitic manner. On the following page you can read insightful stories and reports, highlighting our continuing work on technology and innovation, gender, our partner cooperation, our impact and efforts to make climate friendly rice a reality. You can also read about the various events and happenings that have taken place through the CARI project.
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- Climate Smart
- Technology & Innovation
- Gender
- Impact
- Cooperation

Nigeria to achieve Rice Self-Sufficiency by 2030
Launch of a 10year National Rice Development Strategy (NRDS ll) and Competitive African Rice Platform (CARP) Nigeria Chapter, supported by GIZ-MOVE Programme
In a bid to promote, competitiveness and sustainability of the rice value chain in Nigeria, the Market-oriented value chains for jobs and growths in ECOWAS (GIZ -MOVE) programme supported the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) in launching the National rice development strategy (NRDS II) and the Competitive African Rice Platform (CARP) in Nigeria.
Read more … Nigeria to achieve Rice Self-Sufficiency by 2030
Cooperation, Impact

Better together: The promise of cooperatives
Insights from Rice Cooperatives in Burkina Faso
Cooperatives are considered to have a great potential for the Agricultural Supply Chains. But why, how and what role does CARI play?
Cooperation, Impact

The ECOWAS Rice Offensive
Collaboration and partnership for working towards rice self-sufficiency in West Africa
Low yields, weak processing and poor value chain linkages characterize the rice value chain in Africa. The above are obstacles that need to be overcome, to lessen import dependency and to support multiple African countries in becoming self-sufficient.
Cooperation, Gender, Technology & Innovation

Insights from our Partners
Women as protagonists of change
To mark the 2021 International Women’s Day, WOFAN rewarded 300 smallholder women farmers from Dogon Bauchi and Samaru, Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria, with input and processing equipment, to motivate them to take their development into their own hands.
Cooperation, Technology & Innovation

Grow digital
Baseline Survey on Rice Farmers' Affinity towards ICT solutions in West Africa
The goal of this survey was to explore the smartphone penetration rate amongst rice farmers in Nigeria and Burkina Faso and attempt to understand their affinity towards ICT solutions.

Rice is our Business
A short introduction to CARI
CARI's main objective is to increase the competitiveness of small-scale rice producers, millers and other actors along the rice value-chain and achieve lasting reduction of poverty in Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso and Tanzania. But what does the work in these countries entail?

CARI at the AGRF 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda
Collaboration and partnership for working towards rice self-sufficiency in Africa
Lead. Measure. Grow. This year’s theme of the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) in Kigali, Rwanda aimed at enabling new pathways to turn smallholder famers into sustainable agribusinesses.
Cooperation, Impact, Technology & Innovation

Follow us along the rice value chain in Nigeria
Let us take you on a virtual fieldtrip to Nigeria ...
Enjoy a descriptive and informative video on CARI's work in Nigeria
Climate Smart, Cooperation, Technology & Innovation

Advice on field-specific rice management practices
The Japanese-funded ‘RiceAdvice’ App project, benefits over 16,000 African farmers: "Thanks to a 1-year project supported by the Government of Japan, 200 trained service providers have helped more than 16,000 rice farmers in Mali and Nigeria benefit from ‘RiceAdvice’ ... "

South-South Exchange:
A visit to Thailand
Rice is one of the leading food crops in the world, and rice production in Asia is very advanced. We visited our Thai colleagues in 2017 to ask the question what we all can learn from each other.
Cooperation, Impact

A Framework for Promoting the Rice Sector in Burkina Faso
7th Stakeholder Conference in the rice sector
An important meeting of stakeholders in the rice sector opened on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, in Ouagadougou under the chairmanship of the representative of the Minister of Agriculture and Water Development, Moussa Maïga.
Read more … A Framework for Promoting the Rice Sector in Burkina Faso